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Richard Searle Organisation lowres

Trust Tairāwhiti Economic Development Focus

The release of Trust Tairawhiti's strategic plan, Te Aka Rautaki Ki Te Tau 2026, will provide a strategic focus on economic development, the man leading the region's economic development agency says.

NZAIA conference pic jpeg

He Tohu Ora well received at New Zealand Impact Assessment Conference

Erina Hurihanganui and Malcolm Mersham from our Wellbeing and Impact team presented at the annual NZAIA (New Zealand Association of Impact Assessment) conference in Christchurch recently where they…

Tourism Businesses image TT website

Bumper summer season in Tairāwhiti

Tairāwhiti had an excellent summer season as Kiwis unable to travel abroad explored their own backyard.

Rangai Use This2

Trust Tairāwhiti backs new film and television studio Rāngai

From 3 June 2021

QEM March 2021

Quarterly Economic Monitor March 2021

Tairāwhiti’s economy took a breath in the March 2021 quarter, following its impressive recovery over the preceding two quarters. According to provisional estimates from Infometrics, the area’s…

Westpac Awards

Westpac Tairāwhiti Business Excellence Awards 2021 - Finalists and Presentation and Dinner

Westpac Tairāwhiti Business Excellence Awards Finalists. After a full and robust judging day, the judges are pleased to announce the finalists of this year's Westpac Tairāwhiti Business Excellence…


May distributions 2021

Ngati Porou East Coast Rugby was the winner on the day in the latest funding announcement by Trust Tairāwhiti with a decision to underwrite $50,000 towards a series of sporting events to be delivered…

game of life

Game of Life

Trust Tairāwhiti was one of the key players in the successful launch of a new careers event connecting local employers with students.

waka kura matt

Waka Kura

Trust Tairāwhiti enables the delivery of waka ama school programme. Tairāwhiti turned on a perfect day for the interschool finals of Mareikura Waka Ama Club"s Kura Waka " a programme for rangatahi…

Rua Bioscience adobespark

East Coast rangatahi benefit from latest funding distribution

East Coast youth will reap the rewards of the latest funding decisions by Trust Tairāwhiti with Rua Bioscience receiving $50,000.

Students TORO

TORO Studios to open in Gisborne

Trust Tairawhiti is investing in the region's digital sector backing TORO Studios which will specialise in digital production services from its Tairawhiti base.

Focus on Employment

Focus on Employment

Trust Tairāwhiti welcomed Alex Hawea into the new role of Senior Employment Coordinator at the end of 2020.


Trust Tairāwhiti approves more than $600,000 in community funding

Trust Tairāwhiti has approved funding totalling $605,105 in the latest funding decisions of 2021 with distributions aligning with He Rangitapu, He Tohu Ora, the Trust's regional wellbeing framework.

Pa Wars

Pa Wars strengthens whanaungatanga and healthy lifestyles

While the emphasis is on participation, there's no denying the competition was fierce at Pa Wars 2021. The Ngati Porou inter-marae sports festival was bigger and better than ever this year, with 22…

Greenhouse gas emissions and wood processing

Greenhouse gas emissions and wood processing

A Scion report indicates wood processing in Tairāwhiti could more than half greenhouse gas emissions.

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Airport terminal opening

Gisborne's iconic new airport terminal was officially opened on November 4, with several hundred people turning out to celebrate.

Group Photo

SuperGrans Tairāwhiti Trust

SuperGrans Tairāwhiti is a not-for-profit organisation that is positively impacting our region.

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Mātai is a not-for-profit research centre based in Tairāwhiti Gisborne, focused on enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).