Trust Tairāwhiti has been partnering with the Ministry of Businesses, Innovation and Employment and local organisations, Ask Alice, Tai Tech and Tolaga Bay Innovation to provide digital skills workshops for small businesses across the rohe.
Each organisation delivered a programme of workshops over the last few months to build digital capability and introduce digital tools into businesses.
Trust Business Growth Advisor Joe Williams said the workshops supported businesses to adopt the Government-backed Digital Boost platform during the early stages of their digital journey.
“The platform offers free access to self-paced training and tools to launch businesses into the digital world. It covers a range of topics including how to build a website, social media marketing, cloud accounting and how to integrate software into business systems and processes.”
Lisa Daunton, owner of clothing label Kaiwhakangau, said the time with Ask Alice, facilitated by the Digital Boost, was everything she needed.
“As a start-up business, the program provided great tools and insights into the business world. Being able to meet with others meant we quickly developed a sense of camaraderie and support for each other’s businesses. This has continued beyond the program.
“I highly recommend the Digital Boost platform whether you are a start-up or a seasoned business that just needs help to move into the digital world.”
To date more than 70 businesses have registered for the programme in Tairāwhiti.
For more information, visit the Digital Boost website or get in touch with our Business Growth team by registering at Regional Business Partners.