Trust Tairāwhiti is the regional community trust. We invest in the wellbeing of our people, the success of our businesses, and the future of our region.
Vacancies are advertised as they become available, please check back regularly for opportunities to join our team.
Current Vacancies
General Manager Economic Development
This influential regional leadership opportunity is positioned to have an enduring impact and contribution to developing and enhancing the Tairāwhiti regional economy and its communities.
Find out more about who we are
Strategic Plan 2029
The Trust's vision and values, strategic focuses and priorities set our direction for the next five years.
Key documents
Organisation documents, meeting minutes, key strategies, research, reports and plans produced as part of our mahi.
Our people
Meet our staff and Trust Tairāwhiti Board of Trustees.
Our history
Trust fund
One of the Trust’s core purposes outlined in the Trust Deed is to preserve capital to ensure long-term sustainability and provide for beneficiaries into the future.