The Trust has committed to funding up to $15m in principle towards 'early win' sports facility projects in Tairāwhiti between 2022 - 2023.

We worked in partnership with Gisborne District Council and Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti to support the development of the Tairāwhiti Sports Facilities Business Case, which determined the high priority needs in our community, described as ‘early wins’.

Tairāwhiti Sports Facilities Business Case

“These facilities are about building resilience in individuals and a community around these sports – but it is a far more holistic view on enriching people’s lives. We need to invest in social assets that will help people to live a more vibrant life.”


—  Tairāwhiti Adventure Trust chair Haimona Ngata 

“We are incredibly proud to see our vision come to life; tamariki and whānau connecting with the moana and each other and sharing the stoke."


—  Gisborne Boardriders Club surfing development manager Flo Bub

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