A total of $105,000 was approved in the recent Trust Tairāwhiti funding round.

Outward Bound was one of the largest recipients from the Communites fund, receiving $15,000 to help 14 rangatahi from Tūranganui-a-Kiwa secondary schools attend the 2025 Outward Bound Regional Schools programme, designed specifically for Tairāwhiti rangatahi. Created in partnership with local secondary schools, the course is tailored for the development and wellbeing of rangatahi.

Next May, students will test their limits at the course based in the Marlborough Sounds, building resilience, teamwork, and a deeper appreciation for the taiao (environment).

Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou will receive $15,000 towards the annual Pā Wars and Hikurangi Maunga Dawn Ceremony. Pā Wars, a one-day sporting event held on 3 January every year, brings Ngāti Porou whānau together to compete in various sports and activities, from horse sports, netball, and kī-o-rahi to chess, wearable arts and karaoke. The event, hosted by a different hapū each year, promotes whānaungatanga and fosters local leadership and event management skills.

The Hikurangi Maunga Dawn Ceremony welcomes the first sunrise of the year at Maunga Hikurangi, the world’s first place to greet the sun. The ceremony features karanga, karakia, haka and a kōrero on each of the Maui Whakairo that stand on the maunga, offering Ngāti Porou and visitors an opportunity to connect with iwi history and traditions while preserving mātauranga for future generations.

Other Communities Fund recipients are:

  • Katuku Island (Murray Sam Holdings Limited) - $10,000 to support the development of the Katuku Island gaming platform. These upgrades will increase gaming traffic, allow the platform to adapt to the latest technologies, and grow its capacity for global expansion. The KI team is connected to hapū and iwi of Tūranga, including Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and Te Whānau a Kai.
  • Te Poho o Rāwiri (Ae Rā Te Eke Pānuku) - $5,000 towards a five-day Te Tiriti o Waitangi wānanga for rangatahi. The wānanga will cover the history, principles and provisions of Te Tiriti and explore how they can be applied to education, work, marae and hapu development. Key topics include the journey of Ngāti Oneone, the story of Te Poho o Rāwiri pā and its ancestor Te Eke Tu o te Rangi – who signed the Treaty as ‘Ae Rā’ – and discussions on restoring tino rangatiratanga. Rangatahi will also engage in a critical theory programme and deepen their understanding of Māori identity and leadership.


Feasibility funding recipients:

  • Mātai Medical Research Institute will receive $20,000 towards establishing the legal ownership structure for their new campus. This groundwork is crucial for creating a solid framework that aligns with the Mātai master plan and supports the campus’s long-term goals.
  • Gisborne Boys’ High School will receive $30,000 to explore the feasibility of building a new boarding hostel for 50-80 students. A hostel would help GBHS retain local students, support families in remote areas such as Matawai, the Coast and Mahia/Wairoa, and offer school-managed housing for students relying on alternate accommodations. The study will include consultation with schools and existing hostels, as well as viability, preliminary design, and quantity surveying.


Surf City Rod and Customs Club will receive $10,000 from the Regional Events Fund towards the 2025 Street Rod Nationals, a major event featuring 250 custom cars, live entertainment and family-friendly activities. With awards celebrating the best in show across multiple categories and 350 attendees expected, the Street Rod Nationals is set to rev up excitement in Tairāwhiti!

For further information on Trust funding opportunities and closing dates, visit:

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