The Trust Tairāwhiti team were fortunate to spend a morning out of the office last week, volunteering with some incredible local community groups.

The initiative was organised in partnership with the Gisborne Volunteer Centre (GVC), which connects people and workplaces with local groups that rely on volunteer support.

Through the pilot of the Trust’s Great Employer programme, we surveyed 150 staff across five large workplaces. A recurring theme for improvement was staff wanting to feel a sense of belonging to the region.

“Research shows that when staff teams volunteer, it not only serves the community but provides a rewarding experience that helps strengthen team culture. Staff all appreciate the opportunity to be able to give back,” says Joe Williams, the Trust’s regional business growth and innovation manager.

In coordination with the GVC, Trust staff carried out weed removal and landscaping at the East Coast Museum of Technology, made pēpi packs at The Nest Collective Gisborne, cleared blackberry on Tītīrangi with the Women’s Native Tree Trust and made up Christmas trees for Habitat for Humanity.

“It was an awesome day for our team. Collectively, we got a lot of work done, learnt more about different community groups, and everyone really enjoyed the chance to give back,” Joe says. “I’d encourage other businesses  to consider allowing a volunteer day if they are in a position to.”

For further information on the opportunities available, contact GVC.


Gisborne Volunteer Centre